Flor de nochebuena

in the previous post I showed My favorite flower: Lyly, but this time I wanna talk about another beautiful flower that comes from Mexico: The Flor de nochebuena, or flor de pascua. This flower is seen in the months of november december and the last ones in january. There is a legend about it that states the story of a poor girl who was crying because she did not have anything to give to Jesus baby, then an angel appeared on her way and told her to collect some plants, and bring them to church. When she put them in the church as a gift for jesus christ baby the plants turned into the beautiful flower currently known as Nochebuena.
In Nahuatl this flower is called: Cuetlaxochitl. For the aztecs this flower symbolized the blood spilled in honor the gods.
In english this flower is called: Poinsettia. In honor to Joel Roberts Poinsett. He was the first american embassador in Mexico in 1825, he was inmediatly captured by the beauty of this flower, and introduced it to his country and Europe, as the poinsettia.
Its scientific name is: Euphorbia pulcherrima that means "the most beautiful".....
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