de aqui pal real

Thursday, August 24, 2006

a picture from a nice trip.

I didn´t know that this guy that you can see above the picture is quite famous for his paintings on the streets of London. I was just walking around and suddenly I saw his painting "the last supper" ( To be honest, I thought it was called "the last dinner") But Carolina nicely corrected me.
Well anyway, as I was saying I was told that this guy is famous. Some important programs on tv have shown his art.
And as matter of fact he IS really talented, and he looks serious, and in some sense a little grouchy. When I took the picture I wanted him to be in the picture in order to be able to tell this to you. But I did not want him to notice that I was taking him the picture. Specially because I did not have any coin to put on the small fabric that was liying bellow his work.....
It was nice to find this guy on my way. And it was much nicer later on when I found out that he is THE talented guy who paints on the streets of London.


  • At 5:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    WoW!!! Adrianella me hubiera encantado ir contigo a ese viaje.
    Cuanto viste, cuando aprendiste, cuanto sentiste, cuanto oliste, etc, etc, todo esto te hace ser lo que ahora eres!!!!


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