de aqui pal real

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Festival cervantino 2006

Today was the closing ceremony of the cervantino international festival (FIC) 2006. This year was the turn of the United Kingdom as the guest country of honor. The closing event was in charge of Akram Kham (dance) and the Royal Court (theatre).
This festival took first place in 1972 in Guanajuato City (Mexico) It is the most important cultural festival in mexico. It is organized by: CONACULTA, INBA, THE UNIVERSITY OF GUANAJUATO, amoung others.
These were the countries -as well as mexico´s states -guests for the draft 2001-2006:
2001: *Australia guest country of honor *Veracruz guest state of honor.
2002: *Canada guest country of honor *Tamaulipas guest state of honor.
2003: *Germany and France guest countries of honor *Michoacán guest state of honor.
2004: *Sudafrica guest country of honor *Baja California guest state of honor.
2005: *Japan and Spain guest countries of honor *-------guest state of honor.
2006: * United Kigdom guest country of honor.
... This is an experience I haven´t YET lived . Last friday when I was arriving in my Uni, the first thing I saw, were two big busses, ready to go to the festival. The Uni was almost empty, specially after 13:00 hours; everybody was going to Guanajuato, bringing fulled back packs, ready to "go camping". As far as I know this is what happens; since hotels, hostals and rooms are booked weeks or moths before the festival, teens just camp on the streets, near churches, theaters, parks, alleys...everywhere. It is said that the festival itself is just an excuse, the main point is to hang out with your friends and strangers that after some beers become even better friends
0_0. and of course have a nice time. No matter if you do not have the chance to see any of the cultural events held.
Students, teachers, artists, people from Guanajuato, get a 50% discount in all tickets for any event.


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