logo´s UAM

Well, well, this time I want to show the logos that have been created in order to celebrate the anniversaries of my University. ( so sorry for putting them in disorder) But anyway it is easy to notice the logo that corresponds to each anniversary.
The first one (the 10th anniversary) is the second image shown. As you can see, there isn´t much to say about it, it is kind of simple.
The second one ( the 15th anniversary) is the third image shown. It was shown in the ceremony of the Metropolitan gallery. On May 1989.
The third one ( The 20th anniversary) is the first image shown. Eduardo Espinoza was the creator of the logo and Alfonso rangel created the motto. The president of the university was Julio Rubio Oca.
The forth one ( The 25th anniversary) is the forth image shown. The motto was created by Jorge Argaiz, and the logo was created by hernan García and Daniel Bobadilla ( uam-xochimilco students) . The president was Jose Luis Gazquez Mateos.
The Fith one ( The 30th anniversary) is the fith image shown. The motto was created by Areli García ( uam-xochimilco student) and the logo was created by Jonathan Carbajal (uam-azcapotzalco student). The president was Luis Mier y Teran Casanova.
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