de aqui pal real

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

México or Méjico?????????

I was reading in wikipedia some information regarding my country; México, and I saw the origin of the name. I found it interesting, specially because I had never questioned myself why is that we use X, instead of J, if it is pronunced with the sound of the J.....
It is believed that the name Mexi, was derived from the word Mexitli, that was a war god, whose name was derived from Metztli; that means Moon. and the word co; means place.
From this information México means: "the place of Mextli´s people near the nopal cactus"
But then when we were conquered by the spanish, there were of course many things that were changed, or in the majority of the cases imposed, such as religion, customs....., etc, and of course the language.
Many things were involved. We used to pronunce the X as the J. That´s why there are still a few words that are written with X; eg: Ximena instead of Jimena.
Although the word Méjico exists , the official and corrected spelling is xico
As part of our origins.


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