Viva México¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Mexicanas y Mexicanos:
Viva nuestra Independencia

Vivan los héroes que nos dieron libertad
Viva Morelos
Viva Hidalgo
Viva Allende
Viva Josefa Ortíz de Dominguez
Viva leona Vicario
Viva nuestra Democracia
Viva nuestras Instituciones
Viva la unidad de los Mexicanos.
Viva México, Viva México, Viva México.
This is what Vicente Fox (President of my lovely country; Mexico) said last September 15th at about 11:10 pm. This time the event was not celebrated in el Zócalo Capitalino (as usual every year) It was in Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato; precisely the place where Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla declared the independence of Mexico. (It was not celebrated in El zócalo because of the political situation my country is in)
Fox, walked together with his bodyguards, through the beautiful streets of Guanajuato. Although it was pouring down, He went on walking without any umbrella. His final destination was la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores.
Right after Fox finished saying: Viva México, he rang the bells of the parroquia, for three or four times, and then beautiful fireworks were seen in the sky.
Many delicious and proudly 100% Mexican dishes and appetizers are eaten by all mexicans this holiday; such as: Pozole, Mole, Pancita, Pambazos, Tostadas, Quesadillas, Sopes, Guaraches, (Garnachas, in deed) The greasiest but at the same time most delicious food in the world. (he he) I ate two huge bowls of delicuous pozole, made by my mom. It was grate. And saw the ceremony on t.v. because my family is kind of boring and old for those crowds.
....I must say that there was a moment while watching the ceremony, that I felt Proud to be Mexican. I remembered important and special mexican friend of mine, who are faaaaaarrrrrrr away from here, and I felt them close to me, because this date is important for every single mexican, specially if he is away. And I know those nice friends celebrated in certain way this date, no matter the distance.
At 8:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
y que viva mexico¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
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