de aqui pal real

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

31 minutos

31 minutos
This is my currently favorite t.v. show. I discovered it last June; I was at Zulmita´s and Tanita´s place ( my cousins). We were in their room, playing with their dolls while the t.v. was on. We weren´t really watching it, we were just hearing.
The next time I saw it was here in my place, (on channel 11, from 4.30 to 5.00) and I remembered the episode I saw with my cousins.
Since then it has become my favorite T.V. show, because it is great, quite fun, interesting, etc.
It is supposedly a news program stared by puppets. There are different sections; presented by different characters such as:
Juan Carlos Bodoque ( a journalist that shows educational videos that have to do with the ambient)
Juanín ( the producer of the news program) He is known for his particular shout: "Tulio we are on"
Policarpo Avendaño: ( the entertainment presenter) He shows the super famous ranking top top top. Many musical videos, quite nice, are shown in his section. My favorite song is: "Bailen sin Cesar"
Calcetin con rombos man: (The hero of the children) He appears when there is a difficult situation to solve. And he normally tells children their rights.
Mico el micofono: He is in charge of the surveys. There are different subjects
and finally Tulio Treviño: ( the leader ) He is kind of poshy, and selfish, but in the end he is nice.
This show is Chilean, its first episode was shown in 2003. It was created by a couple of Chilean gays. Since not only children but also adults enjoyed it alot, there have been 4 seasons (2003-2006)
I recommend it. It makes me laught a lot, and I have also learnt some things from Juan Carlos Bodoque´s section.


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