de aqui pal real

Monday, January 29, 2007

my stove

last friday, when I got home, this was the surprise I found.
I walked into the kitchen and I saw thousands of pieces of glass lying on the floor, but what really called my attention was this white-brown thing that surrounds the oven that works as a protector.
The first thing I thought was that my mom had used the oven to bake something, and she had forgotten to turn it off. It didn´t happen that way.
My mom was mopping the floor and she hit it, of course by accident, with the broom, and it came towards her, it hardly hit and got broken in small pieces.
... And Now this is the way the stove looks.... very modern look, isn´t it????????????

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

DiStrAcTioN is the
oBsTrucTiOn to

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Babel got the nomination for the best drama movie.
Babel was directed by A. González Iñarritu.
stared by Gael Garcia, Adriana Barraza, Brad Pitt, Riku etc etc.
Some people were apathetic with the idea of this last movie from the trilogy of González Iñarritu. I even heard comments such as "it is equal to Amores Perros; three different stories that by the end of the movie are related" and some more comments of this kind.
I personally liked the movie. My favorite story was firstly: The one that shows the mexican story. secondly the american one and lastly the japanese one.
and talking about the trilogy this was my preference:
-Amores Perros
-21 Grams
.............Congratulations for the award gotten¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Saturday, January 13, 2007


some people consider their feet as the ugliest part of their bodies.
I like my feet, I have no problem with them.
I guess I am happy with them because they take me wherever I want and need to go, they are normally protected with sneakers. They complain when I make them wear uncomfortable shoes; such as high heels or boots.

pink roses

roses are quite famous for presents among couples.´
I have gotten around
3 or 4 roses in my life... but not as beautiful as these ones.

Friday, January 12, 2007

pantla´s heart

Monday, January 08, 2007


many years ago the concept of time was quite different to the currently one.
seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, centuries, etc, had to be invented by the creative human mind.
Seconds, minutes used to be measured by the time it took to prepare rice.
Minutes, hours used to be measured by the time it took to get somewhere by foot or by horse.
Inventions spring up from necessities.
Time is one of the most important, useful, necessary, essential inventions that human being has created ever.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

the angel of independence

This is the famous angel of independence in Mexico, located on paseo de la reforma. It was constructed by the arquitect Antonio Rivas Mercado; who built the Teatro Juarez in Guanajuato, as well.

This monument was made in order to honor the begineers and later heroes of our independence. Such as Miguel Hidalgo I. Costilla, Vicente Guerrero and Ignacio Allende. On The base of this monument there are some statues that represent peace, law, justice and war.

It was inagurated on september 16th 1910, so as to celebrate the centenary of the mexican independence. Many people attended this special happening.

This monument is (toguether with the zocalo) an important place where people gather either for protesting or celebrate national facts of relevance.

The last picture represents with a cow this important monument.

There was a cow parade on Reforma street, The cows were sponsored by many different companies, and they came up with idea of a cow representing the angel of independence.

Friday, January 05, 2007

which one looks better??

It is a tulip; a beautiful one..... I guess I vote for the blue one... What about you????

The three wise men day

Tonight the three wise men come to leave the presents for the children who behaved well during the year.
The most common and traditional way to ask the wise men presents is with a letter; children leave a letter (normally near the x-mas tree) and they specify the toys they want.
Some food can be left such as: milk, cookies, water, fruit, etc, for the weary wise men due to the huge journey.
Marketing has no limits at all: Now a days another way to let the wise men know children's desires is through a letter that is kept in a balloon. I took this picture on Reforma street, there are street vendors selling decorated balloons for this special holiday.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

lazy cats

I don´t like cats, they are quite reticent. But I do admit they are beautiful..... I guess that´s their only "quality"

Just take a look at these two cats..... I was kind of affraid when taking the picture; I thought the brown one could scratch at me, because I had woken him up, fortunately he just stared at me and went back to sleep.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

2007: Welcome

All best wishes for Me and the people I love.

No more words, the picture speaks by itself