de aqui pal real

Monday, August 28, 2006


Youchien: I do not remember many things from my "Youchien"... The only Nice thing that comes to my mind is my "sensei" Rocío; she was great, because she was funny, and made me laught a lot.

Shougakkou: Well I studied for 6 years in this gakkou, and I had fun in mostly of the grades, but the one I remember as the nicest is the fourth grade: it was wonderful. I used to run quite fast and win many competitions.

Chuugakkou: My best tomodachi was maribel. I did not have a favorite sensei. I went on running in different competitions. I loved my uniform.

Koukou: The very first thing I have to say about this gakkou is the special people I met. It is the kind of friendship that lasts forever. (at least that is what I hope)

Daigaku: I am currently studing here. I am in the best, prittiest, biggest, nicest,etc eh eh eh. What can I say? I am totally in loved with it.

.... And there will be more. I promise.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Do you agree?..... I do

Sociology: is the study of people who don´t need to be studied, by people who do....

Thursday, August 24, 2006

a picture from a nice trip.

I didn´t know that this guy that you can see above the picture is quite famous for his paintings on the streets of London. I was just walking around and suddenly I saw his painting "the last supper" ( To be honest, I thought it was called "the last dinner") But Carolina nicely corrected me.
Well anyway, as I was saying I was told that this guy is famous. Some important programs on tv have shown his art.
And as matter of fact he IS really talented, and he looks serious, and in some sense a little grouchy. When I took the picture I wanted him to be in the picture in order to be able to tell this to you. But I did not want him to notice that I was taking him the picture. Specially because I did not have any coin to put on the small fabric that was liying bellow his work.....
It was nice to find this guy on my way. And it was much nicer later on when I found out that he is THE talented guy who paints on the streets of London.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

mY first sentence

Adryana wa kirei no onhna de su........

Thursday, August 10, 2006

candy candy

candy candy. This was my favorite cartoon, when I was a child, (well I guess it is everybody´s favorite cartoon). The last time I saw it it reminded me my childhood, and the things I used to do those days.
And as a matter of fact, I must it was a very blummy cartoon. poor candy she always got the worst news, her first boyfriend died in a horse accident, the second was an impossible love, her best friend betrayed her once. NO NO NO it was defenitely a sad story....but good, in the end.
now I will finish this comment with her song:
"Si me buscas tú a mí, me podras encontrar,
yo te espero a-aquí, sí sí. Este es mi lugar,
si quieres reir, descubre la alegría de soñar
un mundo de aventura sin igual, juanto a mí
a tu amiga caaandy".

Saturday, August 05, 2006

de aqui pal real

de aqui pal real
que ondas, que ondas!!!!!!!!!! Pues este día si que esta triston, desde que amaneció ha estado nublado, y para nada ha salido el sol......... En fin.
Estos últimos días, o mejor dicho noches, he tenido insomnio, dormito unos poquitos ratos, pero despierto por cualquier cosita. Ya extraño dormir como dicen por ahí: "a pierna suelta".
mmmmhhhh ayer tenía unas ganas enormes de enchiladas verdes, y llegué y las hice, y me gustaron, sólamente le faltaron un poquito de sal, pero bueno se pudo arreglar.
...Tengo muchas ganas de escribir sobre algo que actualmente estoy haciendo pero me he prometido hablar de ello una vez que ya tenga un poco más de rato practicándolo. Por ahora llevo muy poco tiempo, pero lo he disfrutado.
... últimamente en el canal once han puesto películas japonesas en las noches. La que vi ayer ha sido la que más me ha gustado; nunca pusieron cómo se llamaba, pero era de un chavito "shanto" (creo, no recuerdo bien) que las cosas que le ocurrian, primero pasaban en una caricatura, y el personaje de la caricatura era él mismo, y tenía un amigo tipo aladino, pero estilo japonés muy parecido al picachu. Y le concedía todos sus deseos. pero de una manera bastante original, que al final de cuentas cumplía el objetivo.
Es la pelí japonesa menos loca que he visto, y creo que por ende la que más me ha gustado.
Es todo por el momento.