de aqui pal real

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

trash collectors

this picture shows the trash collectors that are located EVERYWHERE around UAM-A.
As far as I know, the idea of placing together two different trash collectors, distinguished by their color (red and white), came from students and/or teachers of the ambiental engineering.
* The white one collects disposable things.
*The red one collects all the rest.

despite the fact there are thousands of these collectors in the uni, there is sometimes trash on the ground....
that´s quite frustating, annoying and sad.

let´s keep fingers crossed in order to see the day when people understand the usage of these collectors.

list of prices

hung man

unbelievable prices at uam

eating breakfast, lunch or dinner is one of the privileges of being a UAM student.
Prices like these are seen nowhere, and on top of this I can say that the flavor is o.k. I mean it is not the tasties food in the world but it isn´t that bad either...
Here I show you a picture of last monday´s menu. There are also three coins; ($2.50) mexican pesos. Its price¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ o_0 This very same menu costs about $28.00 or 30.00 pesos at an inn. This is why many students and workers find attractive eating at the cafeteria.
...There are of course some inconviniences about all this:
* For breakfast it is always the same menu: eggs, cereal, hot cakes, and sopes (mexican appetizers).
* If you want to have lunch here you have to queue for a looooooonng looooooooong time.
* Sometimes the table setting is still dirty.
* It is always crowed

mmmmhhhh what else???? nothing else comes to my mind.
If you are a uam student who hasn´t enjoy the services, do not be fool, take advantage of the many services given there. If you are not a uam student, mmmhhh you are invited to go as well.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

true love

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

my super UAM

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Festival cervantino 2006

Today was the closing ceremony of the cervantino international festival (FIC) 2006. This year was the turn of the United Kingdom as the guest country of honor. The closing event was in charge of Akram Kham (dance) and the Royal Court (theatre).
This festival took first place in 1972 in Guanajuato City (Mexico) It is the most important cultural festival in mexico. It is organized by: CONACULTA, INBA, THE UNIVERSITY OF GUANAJUATO, amoung others.
These were the countries -as well as mexico´s states -guests for the draft 2001-2006:
2001: *Australia guest country of honor *Veracruz guest state of honor.
2002: *Canada guest country of honor *Tamaulipas guest state of honor.
2003: *Germany and France guest countries of honor *Michoacán guest state of honor.
2004: *Sudafrica guest country of honor *Baja California guest state of honor.
2005: *Japan and Spain guest countries of honor *-------guest state of honor.
2006: * United Kigdom guest country of honor.
... This is an experience I haven´t YET lived . Last friday when I was arriving in my Uni, the first thing I saw, were two big busses, ready to go to the festival. The Uni was almost empty, specially after 13:00 hours; everybody was going to Guanajuato, bringing fulled back packs, ready to "go camping". As far as I know this is what happens; since hotels, hostals and rooms are booked weeks or moths before the festival, teens just camp on the streets, near churches, theaters, parks, alleys...everywhere. It is said that the festival itself is just an excuse, the main point is to hang out with your friends and strangers that after some beers become even better friends
0_0. and of course have a nice time. No matter if you do not have the chance to see any of the cultural events held.
Students, teachers, artists, people from Guanajuato, get a 50% discount in all tickets for any event.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

help ayuda please ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

hi, since long ago I have wanted to put some videos from youtube in this blog. But the problem is that I haven´t been able to find the way to do it :( :( :( I have tried in different ways but none of them have worked. if you happend to know how to put videos from youtube in the blogs.... Could you please tell me how to do it????? I would appreciate it so much. :) :) :)
Hola desde hace mucho, he uerido poner videos de youtube en el blog, pero el problema es que no he podido hacerlo :( :( :( He tratado de todos formas posibles, pero no lo he conseguido, Si de casualidad sabes como hacerlo, me podrías decir, como se suben los videos????. LO agradeceria sobremanera. :) :) :)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

kirai´s picture

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

this is what I call a handsome guy

sanz' new album

Wow Wow Wow, good news¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
My favorite singer, and ex-boyfriend; Alejandro Sanz has a new cd; the tenth in his carrer; its name is "El tren de los momentos" something like "The train of the moments" in english. The first single is: "A la primera persona" ( To the first person) released last september 25th. The cd will be released next november 7th 2006, all over the world.
"El tren de los momentos" was recorded in México, Miami, Bahamas and Madrid by the sound engineer Tom Russo, who has worked with Audioslave, Macy Gray, Michael Jackson etc.
Singers like Shakira, Antonio Carmona, Juanes etc, were invited to colaborate in some of the songs,
as well as his daughter MANUELa (a five year old girl).... amazing, isn´t it???and finally the best news:
These are the pictures of the new album; the first one is the cover of the cd and the others were taken for the promotion of it.

(I was told about this excellent news, by mario, thank you very much) I wasn´t awared, and now I am very happy *+*

Monday, October 09, 2006

nice picture, isn´t it???

I Found this picture in a blog. It´s mario bros; wearing different kinds of clothes. In some of them he is dressed as some famous characters; as well as unsual proffesions. Some of them are easy to identify but some others are kind of difficult....

My favorite ones are:

dressed as Mikey Mouse,

dressed as the clown from Mc´donalds ( I do not know his name)

dressed as an astronaut

and dressed as a sumo fighter.

Friday, October 06, 2006

de aqui pal real

Thursday, October 05, 2006


This is a Joaquin Sabina´s song. I have heard it just once; it was in a spanish t.v. program called Septimo de caballeria, whose t.v. presenter used to be Miguel Bosé. It was a special episode; dedicated to mi ex-boyfriend Alejandro Sanz...
Sanz sang some of his own songs, as well as his friends´songs, together with Malú, Niña Pastori, Pancho Cespedes, Ketama, and Joaquin Sabina.
And then almost by the end of the program, Sanz and Sabina, sang this song. I had never heard it, and I liked it alot. This is the lyrics.

Entre la cirrosis y la sobredosis
andas siempre, muñeca.
Con tu sucia camisa
y en lugar de sonrisa,
una especie de mueca.
¿Cómo no imaginarte,
¿ cómo no recordarte hace apenas dos años?
Cuando eras la princesa
de la boca de fresa,
cuando tenías aún esa forma
de hacerme daño.
Ahora es demasiado tarde, princesa.
Búscate otro perro que te ladre, princesa.
Maldito sea el gurú
que levantó entre tú y yo un silencio oscuro,
del que ya sólo sales para decirme,
“vale, déjame veinte duros”.
Ya no te tengo miedo nena,
pero no puedo seguirte en tu viaje.
Cúantas veces hubiera dado la vida entera
porque tú me pidieras llevarte el equipaje.
Ahora es demasiado tarde, princesa…
Tú que sembraste en todas las islas
de la moda las flores de tu gracia,
¿cómo no ibas a verte envuelta en una muerte con asalto a farmacia?
¿Con qué ley condenarte si somos juez y parte todos de tus andanzas?
Sigue con tus movidas,
pero no pidas que me pase la vida pagándote fianzas.
Ahora es demasiado tarde, princesa
Búscate otro perro que te ladre, princesa

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


October is already here and now.
Now a new idea came to my mind. I am going to write the important dates, and holidays of the months. I want to do it in order to remember, and also learn some interesting things that have happened in this world of us. I am also showing a picture of the mos interesting, important, best, nicest, etc, date.
This date and picture is gonna be the one of my preference.
so let´s start:
* October 2nd 1869 Mathama Gandhi was born in Porbandar Gujarat India.
* October 2nd 1968 there was a student movement in México. 90,000 students from U.N.A.M. 70,000 students from Instituto Politécnico Nacional and the rest were students from Universidad Nacional de Agricultura de Chapingo and some others from different high schools. These students were killed by the goverment in charge of Díaz Ordaz. After this massacre and absolutely brutal event there is a motto in México that cries: " October the second is unforgettable"
* October 3rd 1990 Germany is unified
* October 9th 1967 My handsome boyfriend: Ernesto "el Che" Guevara dies in Bolivia. He is captured and executed by Mario Teran. His last words were: " I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward you are only going to kill a man".
* October 12th 1492 The American Continent was discovered by Cristobal Colón.
* October 31st Halloween is celebrated. My firts party was in Halloween.

and finally but even more important and special to me: My friend´s and relative´s birthdays.
* October 6th 19-- Mago´s, (my aunt).
* October 13th 19-- My Grandma´s . ( The best, nicest, lovely, grandma in the world)
* October 15th 19-- Manuel´s ( my special, handsome, intelligent, and loved friend Manuel)
* October 21st 19-- Tavo´s (my uncle)