de aqui pal real

Saturday, September 30, 2006


Atiendeme, quiero decirte algo, que tú quizá no esperes, doloroso tal vez.
Escuchame, que aunque me duela el alma, yo necesito hablarte, y así lo haré.

Nosotros, que fuimos tan sinceros, desde que nos vimos, amandonos estamos.
Nosotros, que de el amor hicimos, un sol maraviloso, romance tan divino.
Nosotros, que nos queremos tanto, debemos separarnos, no me preguntes más.

No es falta de cariño, te quiero con el alma.
Te juro que te adoro, y en nombre de este amor, y por tu bién te digo adiós.

Nosotros, que fuimos tan sinceros, desde que nos vimos, amandonos estamos.
Nosotros, que de el amor hicimos, un sol maraviloso, romance tan divino.
Nosotros, que nos queremos tanto, debemos separarnos, no me preguntes más.

No es falta de cariño, te quiero con el alma.
Te juro que te adoro, y en nombre de este amor, y por tu bién te digo adiós

logo´s UAM

Well, well, this time I want to show the logos that have been created in order to celebrate the anniversaries of my University. ( so sorry for putting them in disorder) But anyway it is easy to notice the logo that corresponds to each anniversary.

The first one (the 10th anniversary) is the second image shown. As you can see, there isn´t much to say about it, it is kind of simple.
The second one ( the 15th anniversary) is the third image shown. It was shown in the ceremony of the Metropolitan gallery. On May 1989.
The third one ( The 20th anniversary) is the first image shown. Eduardo Espinoza was the creator of the logo and Alfonso rangel created the motto. The president of the university was Julio Rubio Oca.
The forth one ( The 25th anniversary) is the forth image shown. The motto was created by Jorge Argaiz, and the logo was created by hernan García and Daniel Bobadilla ( uam-xochimilco students) . The president was Jose Luis Gazquez Mateos.
The Fith one ( The 30th anniversary) is the fith image shown. The motto was created by Areli García ( uam-xochimilco student) and the logo was created by Jonathan Carbajal (uam-azcapotzalco student). The president was Luis Mier y Teran Casanova.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

31 minutos

31 minutos
This is my currently favorite t.v. show. I discovered it last June; I was at Zulmita´s and Tanita´s place ( my cousins). We were in their room, playing with their dolls while the t.v. was on. We weren´t really watching it, we were just hearing.
The next time I saw it was here in my place, (on channel 11, from 4.30 to 5.00) and I remembered the episode I saw with my cousins.
Since then it has become my favorite T.V. show, because it is great, quite fun, interesting, etc.
It is supposedly a news program stared by puppets. There are different sections; presented by different characters such as:
Juan Carlos Bodoque ( a journalist that shows educational videos that have to do with the ambient)
Juanín ( the producer of the news program) He is known for his particular shout: "Tulio we are on"
Policarpo Avendaño: ( the entertainment presenter) He shows the super famous ranking top top top. Many musical videos, quite nice, are shown in his section. My favorite song is: "Bailen sin Cesar"
Calcetin con rombos man: (The hero of the children) He appears when there is a difficult situation to solve. And he normally tells children their rights.
Mico el micofono: He is in charge of the surveys. There are different subjects
and finally Tulio Treviño: ( the leader ) He is kind of poshy, and selfish, but in the end he is nice.
This show is Chilean, its first episode was shown in 2003. It was created by a couple of Chilean gays. Since not only children but also adults enjoyed it alot, there have been 4 seasons (2003-2006)
I recommend it. It makes me laught a lot, and I have also learnt some things from Juan Carlos Bodoque´s section.

Friday, September 22, 2006

31 minutos - Bailan Sin César (lluehhhb)

El video musical de lluehhhb en el toptoptoptop de Policarpo Avendaño

31 minutos - Tangananica Tanganana

Video musical de los hermanos Guarennes en el toptoptoptop de Policarpo Avendaño del programa 31 minutos

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Viva México¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Mexicanas y Mexicanos:
Viva nuestra Independencia
Vivan los héroes que nos dieron libertad
Viva Morelos
Viva Hidalgo
Viva Allende
Viva Josefa Ortíz de Dominguez
Viva leona Vicario
Viva nuestra Democracia
Viva nuestras Instituciones
Viva la unidad de los Mexicanos.
Viva México, Viva México, Viva México.

This is what Vicente Fox (President of my lovely country; Mexico) said last September 15th at about 11:10 pm. This time the event was not celebrated in el Zócalo Capitalino (as usual every year) It was in Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato; precisely the place where Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla declared the independence of Mexico. (It was not celebrated in El zócalo because of the political situation my country is in)
Fox, walked together with his bodyguards, through the beautiful streets of Guanajuato. Although it was pouring down, He went on walking without any umbrella. His final destination was la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores.
Right after Fox finished saying: Viva México, he rang the bells of the parroquia, for three or four times, and then beautiful fireworks were seen in the sky.
Many delicious and proudly 100% Mexican dishes and appetizers are eaten by all mexicans this holiday; such as: Pozole, Mole, Pancita, Pambazos, Tostadas, Quesadillas, Sopes, Guaraches, (Garnachas, in deed) The greasiest but at the same time most delicious food in the world. (he he)
I ate two huge bowls of delicuous pozole, made by my mom. It was grate. And saw the ceremony on t.v. because my family is kind of boring and old for those crowds.
....I must say that there was a moment while watching the ceremony, that I felt Proud to be Mexican. I remembered important and special mexican friend of mine, who are faaaaaarrrrrrr away from here, and I felt them close to me, because this date is important for every single mexican, specially if he is away. And I know those nice friends celebrated in certain way this date, no matter the distance.

México or Méjico?????????

I was reading in wikipedia some information regarding my country; México, and I saw the origin of the name. I found it interesting, specially because I had never questioned myself why is that we use X, instead of J, if it is pronunced with the sound of the J.....
It is believed that the name Mexi, was derived from the word Mexitli, that was a war god, whose name was derived from Metztli; that means Moon. and the word co; means place.
From this information México means: "the place of Mextli´s people near the nopal cactus"
But then when we were conquered by the spanish, there were of course many things that were changed, or in the majority of the cases imposed, such as religion, customs....., etc, and of course the language.
Many things were involved. We used to pronunce the X as the J. That´s why there are still a few words that are written with X; eg: Ximena instead of Jimena.
Although the word Méjico exists , the official and corrected spelling is xico
As part of our origins.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


This is my heart ( cocoro, in japanese, corazón, en español), it´s beautiful, passionate, loyal, memorable, exciting and healthy.....
There are tiny, small, big and huge spaces for the special people I have met through my life, in it. Some tiny spaces grow up,
some others remind the same size
while some others shrink.
But none of them dissapear; maybe they are not any longer fed, but they are there.
I hope to find many special people on my way, and set a space (tiny, small, big or huge) in my cocoro that those special people can conquer.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Efectos secundarios

Well, well, Yesterday was a nice day, I was busy the complete morning (as usual, every sunday) and in the afternoon I went to the movies with Ale. We arrived there just in time to see the movie. It had started 5 minutes before we bought the tickets. This time we did not have to flip a coin in order to the decide either watching one or another movie.
We saw Efectos Secundarios, a good (in my opinion) mexican movie. It talks about people´s life turning 30 years old.
To me it was quite good, specially the last scene; there is a final reflection that concludes the central subjetc of the movie. I liked so much that I want to show it here:

En el fondo no hay nada que hacer. Siempre tendrás dieciocho, pero eres joven sólo una vez, pero inmaduro para siempre.
No hay instrucciones para cumplir treinta. Pero si las hubiera, serían estas:

-Haz una lista de todo lo que no te gusta de ti y luego tírala. Eres el que eres. Y después de todo no es tan malo como te imaginas un domingo de cruda.
-Tira el equipaje de sobra. El viaje es largo, cargar no te deja mirar hacia adelante. Y además jode la espalda.
-No sigas modas. En diez años te vas a morir de verguenza de haberte puesto eso; de todas maneras.
-Besa a tantos como puedas. Deja que te rompan el corazón. Enamórate. Date en la madre y vuelve a levantarte. Quizás hay un amor verdadero. Quizás no. Pero mientras lo encuentras lo bailado nadie te lo quita.
-Come frutas y verduras. Neta, vete a acostumbrando a que no vas a poder tragar garnachas toda la vida.
-Equivócate, cambia, intenta. Falla. Reinventate. Manda todo al carajo y empieza de nuevo cada vez que sea necesario. De veras, no pasa nada, sobre todo si no haces nada.
-Prueba todos los sabores de helado. Otras cervezas. Otras pastas de dientes.
-Arranca el coche un día y no pares hasta que se acabe la gasolina.
-Empieza un grupo de rock. toma clases de baile. Aprende italiano. Inventate otro nombre. usa una bicicleta.
-Perdona, Olvida, deja ir.
-Decide quien es imprescindible. mientras más grande eres, más difícil es hacer amigos de verdad, y más necesitas quien sepa quien eres realmente sin que tengas que explicarselo. Esos son los amigos, cuídalos y mantenlos cerca.
-Aprende a que no vas a aprender nada. Pero no hay examen final en esta escuela. Ni calificaciones, ni graduación, ni reunión de exalumnos; gracias a Dios. Felices 30 viejo. bienvenido al resto de tu vida.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Today I wanna talk about the KARAOKE word. This word comes from the Katakana japanese writing system. And it is derived from two different words; Karano (empty) and Okesutra (orquestra).
Now a days there are some more terms for the word karaoke, for example: Gian, or simply K.
The karaoke machine was invented by the talented singer Daisuke Inoe (born in Osaka in 1940) He used to sing at Utagoe Kissas (coffee shops) and suddenly he came up with the idea of creating the first karaoke machine. He invented it but never patented it; ( otherwise he would definitely have become one of the richest men in the world.....) He was even awarded by the Ig Novel Prize; ( that is parody of the Nobel Prizes) at the university of Harvad. These prizes are given for discoveries that can not or should not be reproduced. The comittee awarded him for: providing an entirly new way for people to learn to tolerate each other.
The popularity of the karaoke has increased, and has spread to different items such as cell phones, video games. In video games the singer-player gets a score based on his pitch, rythim, timing, etc.
A famous movie that depicted the activity of singing karaoke is My best friend weeding, with the song I say a little pray for you. Many copies of the soundtrack were sold over the world, becoming even more famous than the movie itself.
.... I have been just once at a karaoke bar ( Weeeelll more than a bar it was a cantina) , this was in Barra de Navidad Jalisco, many years ago. I went with my parents, and some cousins of mine. And what I remeber the most, is a totally drunk guy comming from the toilet, who suddenly fell down hitting himslef seriously bad, and also remember I girl singing Hacer el amor con otro from Alejandra Guzman, while another drunk guy was rudely shouting at her to shit up......
That was the first experience I had at a Karaoke Cantina. Now after knowing some more about the word Karaoke, I feel like singing some karaoke with my friends.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


In a previos post I talked a bout a japanese movie. I briefly described the story, and also added that it had been the funniest japanese movie I had seen.
And today while I was reading a blog, I discovered that this movie I saw a few weeks ago, is in fact a quite famous manga in japan.
The child I remembered as Shanto, is actually Novita Noby. I child who gets in trouble all the time, but he is helped by DORAEMON ( a robot from a distant future that was sent by Novita´s descents to help him out to fix the problems he is usually in) Doraemon is supposedly a blue cat (neko in japanese) with no ears, because they were eaten by rats (can you imagine that????). He has a dimensional pocket which has all gadgets, tools, things, technology, etc that you can imagine. (As far as I remember he had a camera in the pocket). And he uses them to create something that can solve Novita´s troubles.
Doraemon has a sister; Dorami she is yellow and has ears, but she does not live with doraemon, she lives in the outer space, in the future.
This famous manga was created by Fujimoto Hirushi, it´s first episode was shown on December 1st 1969.
Doraemon is in japan, what Mickey Mouse is in occident.
I am glad to find out that once again I saw something that ended up being something quite famous. (as the talented guy I saw in London)

Friday, September 01, 2006

Let´s see what happens....
no more comments.

nanas de la cebolla

La cebolla es escarcha cerrada y pobre,
escarcha de tus días y de mis noches
hielo negro y escarcha grande y redonda
En la cuna del hambre mi niño estaba
con sangre de cebolla se amamantaba.
Pero tu sangre escarcha de azúcar
cebolla y hambre.
Una mujer morena resulta en luna
se derrama hilo a hilo sobre la cuna
cuando es preciso.
Alondra de mi casa, ríete mucho
es tu risa en tus ojos la luz del mundo.
Ríete tanto que mi alma al oírte
bata al espacio.
Tu risa me hace libre, me pone alas
soleldades me quit, cárcel me arranca.
Boca que vuela, corazón que tus labios
Es tu risa la espada más victoriosa,
vencedor de las flores y las alondras.
Rival del sol. Porvenir de mis huesos
y de mi amor.
La carne aletenate súbito el párpado
el vivir como nunca coloreado
¡Cuánto jilguero se remonta, aleteo,
desde tu cuerpo¡.
Desperté de ser niño: nunca despiertes
Triste llevo la boca, riete siempre.
Siempre en la cuna, defendiendo la risa
pluma por pluma.
Ser de vuelo tan alto, tan extendido
que tu carne el cielo recién nacido.
¡Si yo pudiera remontarme
al origen tu carrera¡
Al octavo mes riescon cinco azahares
con cinco diminutas ferocidades,
con cinco dientes como cinco jazmines
Frontera de los besos serán mañana
cuando en la dentadura sientas un arma.
Sientas un fuego, correr dientes abajo
buscando el centro.
Vuela niño en la doble luna del pecho,
él triste de cebolla, tú satisfecho.
No te derrumbes, no sepas lo que pasa
ni lo que ocurre.

(thank you for sharing this beautiful poem)