de aqui pal real

Saturday, November 25, 2006

andromaco real

.... hey¡¡¡¡¡..... What ´s your name?????

He wants the total of me, he refuses pieces of me

I don´t like you, I ´don´t like your smell.

do something for your life¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

look at yourself, I couln´t have said that.

say something substancial.

wear a different perfum.

go to the laundrymat.

I love you.

o.k. o.k. it´s your revanche, I accept it.

she is loyal, understanding, and never gets angry.


give the hand¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

.... hey.... What´s your name??????

Thursday, November 23, 2006

cow cow

beautiful weather
beautiful flowers
beautiful cow
....I wanna be there with the cow.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

november I guess I had forgotten I was going to talk about the different holidays or importants dates celebrated in every single month. A bit late but here it is the information about November.
November 1st All saints day
November 2nd All souls day
November 3rd Panama separates from Colombia
November 8th Urbanism day is celebrated
November 18th 1903 Panama lets U.S.A. the construction of the channel of Panama.
November 20th The Mexican Revolution is celebrated
November 28th The Panamanian independence is celebrated.

.....There are definitely many celebrations In Panama this month. Congrats to all the Panamanian people ¡¡¡¡¡¡

The really meaningful dates to me in this moths is:
November 20th Lily´s birthday... (a lovely friend of mine; we have been friend for about 15 years).

As a future sociologist, I selected this picture in order to illustrate the Urbanism day (Nov 8th)

two presidents in mexico

November 20th is a national holiday in Mexico, we celebrate our revolution. that lasted ten years¡¡¡¡ from 1910 to 1920. This revolution was mainly against the dictactor Porfirio Díaz. thousands of people were involved in this war; children, women, men.

yesterday (november 20th 2006) something ------------ (I do not know what adjective to use) happened. Lopez Obrador proclaimed himself as the legal president of mexico. This event took place in el zócalo, mexico city.
Honestly speaking I feel kind of upset due to the political situation my country is going through. Let´s see what happens the following days whenFelipe Calderon The legal elected mexican president takes over the mexican presidency.....

The picture was taken from wikipedia ......

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

students at plaza roja UAM

these pictures are from la plaza roja, these guys were painting for the last holidays; november 1st and 2nd.
the sad thing is that the afternoon after they finished... it rained. hehehe, the last picture shows the work done, but it isn´t clearly seen because of the rain what a pity¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Sunday, November 12, 2006

cerro de chiquihuite from uam a matter of fact, when I took the picture, I focused on the beautiful mexican flag, which is located in my uni (UAM) just right in front of the library (COSEI) .
then I saw the hill behind the flag: It is El cerro del Chiquihuite, located in the north of the city, surronding Gustavo I. Madero and Tlalnepantla, estado de México.
This hill is oficially known as El cerro del Chiquihuite, but it is also known as the hill of the antenna, because there are antennas from t.v. and radio. that broadcast their signs to all over the valley of Mexico. There are neighborhoods on the slope of the hill: Candelaria, Ticoman, San Juan y guadalupe; they are obviously always in risk because of possible landslide.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Tepotzotlan and its offerings

well, well. At last I found the time to upload these pictures of the offering that is yearly set in Tepotzotlan cathedral´s atrium.
Tepotzotlan is a beautiful town located in the north of the city, near the México-Querétaro expressway. Its cathedral is quite beautiful; it is almost completly decorated with gold on its ceiling, and walls. Next to the cathedral there is also a museum, that shows some pictures.
Tepotzotlan is an excellent place to spend some time together with the family, boyfriend, friends, etc, on weekends, specially on sunday´s mornings. There is a big street market where people can eat: carnitas, birria, pancita, all kind of tacos, pozole, quesadillas, sopes, pambazos, enchiladas, etc, etc, etc.
There is a tradition that began on 1996; The offering of Tepotzotlan is becoming, every time more and more famous. It is set and organized by volunteers (mostly teens), who study at different schools near the town. It is set for the mexican celebration; día de muertos (day of the dead)
This big offering has all the essencial things a proper offering must have:
Water, incense, marigold (flower of the dead), candles, peanuts, photographs of the death, mole, alcohol, pan de muerto (bread of the dead), decorated skulls, fruit such as: orange, pumpkin, reed, apples, guava, etc.
My favorite picture is the one of the couple, where the "guy" is hugging his "girlfriend" He is wearing a hat, and she is wearing a beautiful skirt and a chal.... Isn´t it cute???

Offerings in Tepotzotlan: magic town of México

skulls, skeletons,bones: offerings...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

the weird car...

last month (October 22nd) I was leaving school.... and suddenly I saw this car across the street from my uni....
The first thing I thought was that it had been "decorated" like that, because of the comming holidays:
*October 31st Halloween
*November 1st All souls day
*November 2nd death day.
and after a few more days, I found two more cars like this one. And one of them was being driven ¡¡¡¡¡¡ 0_O ¡¡¡¡¡¡
I still do not know why they were like that, and I havent seen more cars like that..... If you happen to know anything related to them, tell me its meaning... I am corious about it.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Auditorio Nacional

Auditorio Nacional, is the most important place for concerts in Mexico city. It was firstly opened in 1952 with the name: Auditorio Municipal, but later on it was changed for Auditorio Nacional.
Quite famous artists, singers, bands, orchestras, dancing companies, etc, ect have been shown here.
Here I show a few pictures of this magnificent place. in one of the pictures there is a red turibus, just right in front of the Auditorio. This bus is normally taken by the tourists who are taken to the most touristic places in Mexico City.
I have been in Auditorio some times. My first time there, was a Rocio Durcal´s concert ( a Spanish singer) it was my birthday. and then I have seen a few more singers such as: Sting (English singer... I guess), La ley ( a Chilean band) and Alejandro Sanz (Spanish singer)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

pumpkin pictures:

Saturday, November 04, 2006

pumpkin or squash sweet

pumpkin is a fruit that was firstly prepared in candy, cakes, and stew in Mesoamerica. it is currently eaten in Latin America, Philippines and the Caribean.
This recipe followed in the next pictures is from my great grand mother. I personally don´t like it very much, but it is o.k. It is eaten by the end of the year: November, december.
Something that once again surprised me was its price, my grandma told me it had costed only $10.oo pesos o_0 ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡. I used to think they were a bit more expensive, because of its size, but I was told that the most expensive one is about $25.00, $30.00 pesos, no more than that. In the pictures I show the ingredients: The pumpkin, cinammon, water and piloncillo ( this last one works as sugar).
and the steps that need to be followed in order to prepare it. Since it was quite big, it is enought with only a half, then from the falf you get some small pieces and put them in the pot, together with the other ingredients ( a cup of water, cinammon and three pieces of piloncillo)
In the last picture I show the pumpkin ready to be eaten, with some milk. It can be eaten by itself or with milk. My favorite part of this sweet is the seeds. They taste good.