de aqui pal real

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I couln´t agree more:

The most scientific of the humanities and
the most humanistic of the sciences

by: Erick Wolf

Thursday, December 21, 2006

a colorful glove

Take a look at a colorful and creative glove.

Yeah, it is creative in deed, because of the holes that let the five fingers be free.

you don´t need to take them off in case you need to write, draw, type etc etc. and your hand gets really warm.

the glove is not uncomfortable, in the contrary, there are even times you forget you have it on.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


last saturday 16th I went to a party, We had spaguetty, pork, cake, and apple salad for dinner.
I challenged myself; I offered myself to bring the spaguetty, for about 40 people.

I asked in total 3 different ladies to tell me how to cook it... In the end I made it the way my friend pau showed me.... yes the day before I went to her place so as to see how to cook a delicious spaguetty.

And this was the way my spaguetty ended up..... I was not very happy with the result, because it was a little tasteless, and it had a lot of cream, but besides that, the rest was O.K. I mean; taking into cosideration that it was the first time I made spaguetty, and it was for 40 people... I guess it was fine, just fine.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Flor de nochebuena

in the previous post I showed My favorite flower: Lyly, but this time I wanna talk about another beautiful flower that comes from Mexico: The Flor de nochebuena, or flor de pascua. This flower is seen in the months of november december and the last ones in january. There is a legend about it that states the story of a poor girl who was crying because she did not have anything to give to Jesus baby, then an angel appeared on her way and told her to collect some plants, and bring them to church. When she put them in the church as a gift for jesus christ baby the plants turned into the beautiful flower currently known as Nochebuena.

In Nahuatl this flower is called: Cuetlaxochitl. For the aztecs this flower symbolized the blood spilled in honor the gods.

In english this flower is called: Poinsettia. In honor to Joel Roberts Poinsett. He was the first american embassador in Mexico in 1825, he was inmediatly captured by the beauty of this flower, and introduced it to his country and Europe, as the poinsettia.

Its scientific name is: Euphorbia pulcherrima that means "the most beautiful".....

christmas is coming

If you are kind of lost, because of many things you have on your mind, and you do not know the month you are currently in. Do not worry, everywhere you go will remind you it is christmas time. This is the way the majority of the houses look like at x-mas; they are decorated with lights called waterfalls. It feels nice to walk on any street and look at the bright lights that are located in the facade of the houses. I remeber that when I was I child houses were not decorated like this. The only symbol to represent x-mas used to be the popular Christmas tree, either green or white, together with the nativity scene; as shown in the picture above......
Time doesn´t stand still, let´s see in some more years the new fashion imposed by our capitalist system for x-mas season.

Monday, December 18, 2006

a different lyly

this flower "lyly"is my favorite one, I 've seen it in different colors:




and of course pink

it´s just beautiful

Saturday, December 16, 2006

wave goodbye

words get tangle on your tongue
and you stumble on your feet when you miss somebody
And everywhere you think you see them
walking down the street when you miss somebody
when you miss somebody you tell yourself
a hundred thousand times
nobody ever lives forever so you give it one more try
to wave goodbye wave goodbye
every hurtful thing you ever said is ringing in your ears
when you miss somebody
and every thing of beauty that you see only brings a tear
when you miss somebody
when you miss somebody you tell yourself everything
will be alright
try to stand up strong and brave when all you want to do
is lay down and die
how long I ´ve waited for an answer or a sign
lonely and weary from this trouble task of trying
to wave goodbye
so now you start to recognize that very single path you see
leads to a tear in your eye
so wave goddbye wave goodbye.

Music and words: Chris Cornell from Euphoria morning.
Image from google images

Friday, December 15, 2006

lyly flower

Thursday, December 14, 2006

te quiero y te temo

te siento y te vierto
te abro y te cierro
te advierto despierto
te miento
te evades, te espiro
te adhiero a mi cuerpo
te escapas te dejo
te quiero te temo

te apreso no arriesgo
te abro y te cierro
te beso el pretexto
voy lento
salimos ilesos
me espero y regreso
te vi y me arrepiento
te quiero y te temo

te tengo y te quemo
te vivo y te siento
me pruebo y te quedo
te bebo y te debo
te siento y te advierto
te abro y te cierro
te advierto despierto
te quiero y te temo

te escapas te dejo
te veo y me divierto
te juro maldices
te quiero y te temo, te bebo
te siento y vierto
te abro y te cierro
te advierto despierto
te quiero te temo

te quiero te temo
te quiero te temo

te vi y me arrepiento
te quiero y te temo.

Monday, December 11, 2006

what nationality do you think I am??

The first picture shows the azteca calendar made by the mexicas. The amazing thing from this specific calendar is that it was made with many different kind of seeds.
The beautiful agave and nopal plants are found in one of the gardens in my uni: UAM

Saturday, December 09, 2006

the piano

ale: this has been the most creative gift I have ever gotten¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
Thanks for this beautiful image, (and the others in the cd) from the best romantic movie ever: The Piano


I went to Puebla, three or four months ago. Puebla is located about two hours away from Mexico city, its capital is Puebla (its name is shared to the state and the city) Iwent to downtown so as to take some pictures of the most traditional, touristic, distinguished places/things in Puebla.
Puebla is officially known as La heroica Puebla de Zaragoza. Its name comes from the battle against the french army. The mexican general Ignacio Zaragoza leaded this battle and succesfully won it.
Talavera is handycraft very popular from Puebla. The origen of the talavera currently made in Puebla comes from Talavera de la reina Spain. There are different styles: Arabic, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and of course Mexican.
The Cathedral Of Puebla was built by the architect Francisco Berrera, it was completed in 1690
The red double decker bus (turibus) is equal to the one I showed in the Auditorio Nacional post, the difference is that this one depicts specific things from puebla, such as Mole, Talavera, etc.
... I wanted to take a picture of a taxi, in order to show its colors (black and yellow, as the ones in new York.... as far as I know) and a better idea came to my mind: I pictured a volkswagen ( better known as Vocho) And I did so, because the last beetle was made in the volkswagen Plant in Puebla in July 30th 2003.

Friday, December 08, 2006


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Happy birthday

best wishes to you, with all my love:

Friday, December 01, 2006


hehehehe. This time I did have the time to post the corresponding month in time.
December is I guess a nice month for many people, due to its celebrations.... so let´s star talking about them:
to beging with, december is a month that gives a space to remind people about important facts such as AIDS, and human rights
december 1st: AIDS day,
december 5th: Sinterklaas in the Netherlands; Wow wow wow, It was a quite good idea writing about the important dates in every single month, because I have learnt some things that I completly ignored.
Saint Nicholas is the closest thing to Sinterklaas, (according to what I read in the wikipedia). Sinterklass brings presents to children who behaved well during the year. He arrives from Spain in a steamer, he is welcomed by many children who sing some Sinterklaas' songs, and at the same time his assistant; Swarte pieten, throws some candy and ginger bread to all the content children.

december 6th: Independence day in Finland.
december 7th: Pearl Harbor day.
december 8th: mother´s day in Panama.
december 12th: Day of the virgen of Guadalupe in Mexico; a national celebration.
december 15th: Zamenhof Day; he is the initator of the speranto language. Speranto means:"one who hopes", it´s a language that was developed by this guy; Zamenhof had the intention to create a universal language that could be spoken in order to foster peace and international understanding.
december 24th: Christmas eve
december 25th: Christmas
december 31st: New year´s eve.

Now, I wanna write the meaningful dates to me:
December 5th: MY "happy" birthday..... Congratulations ada, love so much ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡You must reach 100 years but the most importat thing is that they must be happy ones. ... Best whishes, you deserve it ¡¡¡¡¡ :)
december 8th: cony´s bithday, a friend from high school.
december 18th: My ex-boyfriend´s birthday: Alejandro Sanz.

*the picture above shows Sinterklaas, together with his assistant Pieten. Some of the information as well as the picture, were taken from the amazing wikipedia