el chopo

This time I wanna talk about the famous street market: El chopo. I dont know much about this place; I had heard about it, but I had never been there....until today.
I went with some of my friends from the uni, we interviewed some people we found there, some of them were very nice and polite, but some others were not.
With the information we got, from the people we interviewed, now I know that this place has existed since 1980, in the begining it was located in the museum el chopo,where books and music were sold and the only people who used to go there were gothic. Now a days things have changed and ABSOLUTELY ALL ALL ALL KIND OF PEOPLE can be seen there. No mather their ideology, no mather how extremely different they are among each other, all of them interact together. I would dare to say that tolerance is the most practiced value there.
Here I leave a picture of a gothic woman and her little daughter, they were accompanied by the husband, but he did not give any information.... Notice that the little girl is dressed as her mom...her boots were cute.
It was a nice experience going there.