Last week was the week of Germany, many activities were organized. On monday we had the Oktoberfest at La Plaza roja, small pieces of traditional german food were served, such as thick sausages, potatoes with cream and meatballs, and for drink???....... Beer of course¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Before going on with the description of this exiting week, I want to give a brief description of the Oktoberfest:
(The first Oktoberfest took place oktober 12Th 1810. it was held to celebrate the mariage of the prince Ludwing and Princess Therese, and for this celebration there was a horse race. there have been some interruptions of the oktoberfest due to Wars, deseases, and epidemies but germans have always tried to keep this custom, and now a days this festival is known around the world and every time people from the nost distant places of the world attend to this celebration, where beer is the principal beverage that is drunk).
Well well continuing with the German-week-at-uam there was also a small kid wearing the traditional clothes worn for the festival, that consists on a small pair of pants, a small hat where they put pins from the places they have been. and a white shirt.
I do not remeber the exact activities for each day, but we had also a visit from two people from the german embassy who gave us information about studing a master or a ph degree in germany.....
Wow this was a super exiting week, I hope to have many more illustrative weeks like this one.