Monday, July 30, 2007

Well, well I am quite happy to say that I went to Guadalajara, because the conajum (Congreso Nacional Juvenil de Misiones) took place there, and here you are some of the pictures of the places I saw there.
I obvously went downtown and the very fist thing I want to say related to this place is that it is perfectly CLEAN, there is not garbage at all, what makes the city look much more beautiful, and there are not street vendors either.
The weather was nice, well I was there for 3 days and it rained cats and dogs (the last day, day of the pilgrimage by the way) it was also warm and a little cloudy as well.
I also had the traditional meal; Tortas ahogadas (this meal is made with a bolillo called birote, and it has pork and onion, full of broth) they were really tasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
It was a super short but illustrative walk in downtown. It was short because it lasted less than one hour, but it was illustrative because Lila (the girl in charge of us, who is studing History) told us briefly some legends, stories, anecdote,of the history of this beautiful city.
We saw the cathedral, the Degollado teather witch was constructed in the times of the civil war, a fountain located in the exact place where Guadalajara was officially declared independent, by the way in this fountain acording to Lila there is a woman named Beatriz who is carring a rooster in her arms and this woman was important in the process of independece (I don´t remember exactly what she did :(
There is also a legend that says that when Miguel Hidalgo I. Costilla declared the end of slavery he gave a shoot to the clock that is in the goverment palace in the plaza de las armas, and that was when we noticed the shot.
The flag of this ciy has two big lions and a tree in the midle as the symbol. And all these buildings and statues are located in downtown very near one from the other.
In general I can say that women and men are pretty and hadsome respectivly, They are tall and thin.
...I honestly fell in love with Guadalajara. It was pretty nice, clean and its people were polite and nice.
This post is dedicated to all of them. Thank you very much for your hospitality!!!!!!!!.
Monday, July 23, 2007
a matter of size

two weeks ago my uncle, aunt and cousins visisted us, because they were on vacations. And they gently brought us many delicious mangoes.
I just want you to notice the size of these two mangoes. The two of them were quite tasty, specially the big one. The pill was very skinny, the rest was the fruit in deed.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
beach in the city

since last vacations, the governor of the distrito federal; Marcelo Ebrard had the idea of improvising some beaches in the city.
since many families can not afford a trip to the beach, now they dont need to go to a beach to spend some nice time relaxing, swimming or making sand castles. Now they can enjoy all these activities in the city. In all the public sport clubs there are these artificial beaches waiting for the mexican families to have a great time there.
.... As a matter of fact, I don´t see this as nut as many people. I mean i would not go there, Why not??? Because to me, this is the same as a beach resort, and i have never liked them, but I do agree that this is an opportunity for many families to spend a nice time, because they dont have the money to afford it in a real one.
Yet I want to point out that this is not the best solution to let people have a nice time. Something that would be a real opportunity for the mexican families to enjoy from a nice vacation, would be to reduce the cost of the booth, the gas, etc.
........ooh by the way this improvised beach is just in front of my UAM. ( in the public sport club Reynosa).
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
uam´s pet

I love this dog...
By the way, do you happend to have a nice name for it???????
this dog is the official pet of UAM-Azcapo.
He is always running
Friday, July 06, 2007
Tuesday, July 03, 2007

this is my favorite fruit; mango. As far as I know fruit is more than a simple food, a privilege in other countries. For example in Japan a pretty nice present is fruit. fruit is decorated in beautiful containers ready to be bought and be given as a very well seen gift. This is because fruit is just quite expensive in that country. And some fruit is a privilege for the fewest who have the facility to afford it.
That´s why this post is dedicated to my beautiful country: Mexico and the big diversity of fruit that is grown over here.
Fruit thanks God is not yet a privilege but a pleasure.
Thanks to my country which is an apropiate land to grow the most delicious kind of fruit i have ever tasted, and of course thanks to all this fruit